Who doesn't want to be BEAUTIFUL?! I couldn't imagine why any normal person wouldn't want to feel and look Beautiful. It's true that Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder.....so when you look into the mirror and behold your reflection do you See Beauty? Do you feel It?If the answer is No to either one of those questions, let me share a secret with you.
♥Beauty starts in your mind- We all look different. Some are considered beautiful by MANY, some only by a Few..but guess what? It only truly matters what YOU think about yourself. You can only be you...So Love yourself and realize the full potential of your beauty by cherishing it, nourishing it, and protecting it!
♥Cherish your Beauty by- Loving your eyes, your nose, your lips, your cheeks, your body, and so on. There is nothing wrong with being different. Your are blessed, so simply look at yourself and smile. Smile because of the beauty and good within you that exudes outward.
♥Nourish your Beauty- Drink water, eat healthy, get fit, have Fun and live life happily! Be thankful and humbly accept your blessings. Think positively about yourself. Take the Definition of Beauty and Define Yourself! :)
♥Protect your Beauty- There are alot of things in this world that are capable of taking your beauty away...But only if your willing to give it away. Ever heard the phrase "Don't Make Me Get Ugly!" ? lol. Well look at it like this.... Uncontrollable Anger is not Beautiful, evil is not Beautiful, Conceit is not Beautiful, doing wrong to yourself or others is NOT Beautiful. So protect your beauty by living and and doing right. People will look at you and smile, people with think of you and smile....but best of all you will KNOW that you are Beautiful.
Kisses Nikki♥