Sunday, July 12, 2009

Silly Little Know-It-All's

Is it not healthy to educate yourself about LIFE? Yes Life...because common sense and street smarts outweighs all the book smarts in the world. It doesn't always matter how many big words you can spit out, or how many years of your precious life you spent in college...But what matters is knowing how and when to apply the gifts you have. Yes there are people with Master's degree's working at fast food places and Malls and yes there are people who didn't graduate highschool who are extremely successful and wealthy!....So lets remind ourselves to remain Humble, especially when we are in the position where we can only Hope & Pray that we live to see our full potential! Times are hard, and if you don't have an Open mind, Humility, and are willing to LEARN....then you and your degree will never prosper.
Here are some Great Quotes to Keep us grounded! Because in a world where Bad is Glamorized and Good is shunned...its easy to lose sight of what's important.
Albert Einstein:
Imagination is more important than knowledge. For while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination points to all we might yet discover and create.
Kahlil Gibran:
A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle.
Proverbs 26:12
Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him..
Romans 12:16
Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.
Proverbs 10:19
When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise.
Proverbs 13:10
Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.

Malcolm Forbes:
"The dumbest people I know are those who know it all."

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
"The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him"
Nikki H. (
Knowledge is like Money, You will end Broke if you don't use it wisely!

When you insult your own culture, you somehow insult yourself; And to others you look more foolish than those you are insulting.
Now that I'm mature, I look back and laugh at how foolish I was years ago when I was younger! Now I can only wonder how much I'll be laughing a couple of years from now...
The best lessons I've ever learned...Are the ones I've Lived.
Close minded people, Give Close minded opinions....So laugh at them with a open mind.
Peace & Healthy Kisses
Nikki :)


AssertiveWit said...

This was great!!!! Thanks for sharing :)

♥ Nikki ♥ said...

Your Welcome Assertive Wit! :)
Its always my pleasure ♥

OffdaShoulda said...

great minds do think alike! haha

ShandART said...

Great Quotes Nikki!!!

362436 said...

I really enjoyed this!

♥ Nikki ♥ said...

Thanx Fergster! Gorgeous pic by the way :)

& I'm Glad you enjoyed this 362436!

Amber T. said...

I really like these quotes and your blog is different and interesting. Very informative. U should check out my blog at

♥ Nikki ♥ said...

Thankyou AusteRity9! I'll go check you out now.