Saturday, July 25, 2009

She Who Has The GOAL Makes The RULES♥

Join me on a path,
We are headed toward SUCCESS.

Its time for our DREAMS to become REALITY.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

It took me 26yrs to get to a point where I feel as though I'M TRULY READY....I had so many things to experience that had to make me stronger first. I had LESSONS to LEARN and different personalities to meet. I had mistakes to make so I could figure out solutions. I had falls to take so I could learn how to always get up! It took me longer but I'm going to use that to My Advantage so never feel like its too late to hop on this path and go forth with a Vengeance :).

NOTHING or NO ONE will stand in our way. Success is a climb Upward so we will sweat and it may get tough....but ANYTHING WORTH HAVING IS WORTH FIGHTING FOR!

I am now armoured up and ready to accomplish everything my passionate beating heart desires. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER. I am a WOMAN with a GOAL and I make the rules.

I would like to dedicate this post to Mia from Black in America pt.2. I wish her the best, as I do all of you!

Peace Nikki :).....See ya at the TOP!

& remember ♥ with everything in life is a lesson learned.......


Diane said...

Your my new inspiration. I can always come here for a boost.
Keep doing what your doing!

♥ Nikki ♥ said...

Thankyou Diane! Glad I inspire you! and I will.