Thursday, January 15, 2009


Even though I'm not a Fan of the word, I'm sure that many of you are. So here is Tyra in her workout/dance outfit being no other than herself! :)
Tyra Quotes
"I get so much mail from young girls who say, 'I look up to you, you're not as skinny as everyone else, I think you're beautiful, So when they say that my body is 'ugly' and 'disgusting,' what does that make those girls feel like?"
"I still feel hot, but every day is different. It's when I put on the jeans that used to fit a year ago and don't fit now and give me the muffin top, that's when I say, 'Damn!'"
"I feel more comfortable when I'm lighter – I sleep better, I snore less, I have more endurance when I work out, my arms look better,"
"I look at myself and pick out the things I don't like. No matter how much I work out, I never get muscle tone in my butt and hip area."
"I want to be like the athletes who seem stuck in time. When you see them at 50, you say they probably can still run like a champ."
"I'm competitive with myself. I always try to push past my own borders. "

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I’m a fan of the word FABOLOUS myself but FIERCE is just as empowering when describing the beauty and GRACE of us women.

As always Tyra is entertaining and her quotes were motivating thanks 4sharing.