Thursday, August 22, 2019

Back at Square One

So it’s been years. She’s accomplished  so much. Things that have surpassed even her biggest dreams.  She makes an excellent salary. She has healthy adorable kids and a great husband. Her home is big, beautiful and new. Her day begins with a prayer of gratitude and guidance....

Yet she’s missing something. Something essential to her well being, her peace, her fulfillment. She realizes it isn’t something you can see or touch. It’s something that has to be found within. She found it in the past but it’ gone missing.

It’s unfortunate because she searched for years to find it the first time. She remembers the relief she felt, the clarity, the contentment, and genuine joy. It came with unlimited confidence and purpose. No one could take it away....

But somehow in the midst of all her loud accomplishments, it quietly drifted away. She didn’t notice at first, but soon the evidence of its departure began to show....

So now she begins her journey to find all that she has lost and hopes to find new things too. Back at square one. She has everything she ever wanted, now she’s on the pursuit of everything she needs.

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